Ora? err... Ora ERR... Oracle!

Searching for that elusive solution to the often heard ORA-XXXXX error, and finding interesting tidbits along the way!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Why This Site Came to Be

Taken excerpt from my main personal blog, On Sea Dragons, Ents and Nobel Peace Prize Winners:

I've been considering this for quite some time, but I figured now is the right time as any to do it. This thought was prompted by the same considerations being weighted by my friend, Kristoffer, and I thought I might as well do it also.

So what's under consideration? It shouldn't affect the handful of readers here actually: I'm going to set up another blog specifically containing Oracle entries and other database related matters. It'll still be me writing down the articles, so the occasional quirks, side comments and rants will probably be still there. But the articles will be more technical oriented in nature (if my mood and discipline can help it, anyway), but (and I hope) will also be readable for beginners who are interested in databases and Oracle [new] features. Aside from sparing my current handful of readers to the point of boredom with technical articles, this will be a stepping stone for me to reiterate things I've learned at work as well as expand my horizons and list down my discoveries in the Oracle/Database subject, of course, in writing. Besides, I find that writing down things help me focus on specific topics at hand instead of laying it all out in my head (which in due time, when not written down, leads to a mush of left over spaghetti, lasagna, beef stroganoff, peanut butter and Coke).

Besides, the best way to learn something is to publish articles and set it about for peer reviews. Of course, there's this problem with "peers", but I'd probably be grateful if experienced DBAs like Tom Kyte would accidentally stumble upon the site and get into a discussion on the entries. For now, it will probably serve as a repository for what I know now, and what I will gather on in the future. Peer reviews and helping other fellow DBAs will just be an added bonus. Additionally, I have tons of document at the office.. and I just can't keep track of ALL of them. This puts everything in one place, available for me anytime, anywhere, as long as the blog host is up and I have a net connection to connect to :)

This also means that my time will be divided between both blogs. So post frequency will probably abate a bit (Not that this one has a high post frequency anyway) it will mostly depend on what I am working on and what "tickles" me.

Until I find a better way of reorganizing both blogs so that both still be in chronological order as I publish them (I would not like to needlessly cross check entries between 2 blogs), I'll probably still use this blog as the main site and link new entries from the Oracle blog. So if any of you see entries with "exciting" entries containing text like "New Entry entered in Oracle blog: The effects of using Undocumented Parameters for Super Sizing the PGA", bear with me for a while. :)

For those who want to be challenged and stretched thin with boredom, you can head to the new site to get a piece of the "action".

Thanks and good day to y'all!


This blog does not pretend to know everything related to databases, or Oracle. All articles here are from my own research and experience, and the suggestions and opinions highlighted in all the entries may or may not be applicable to other scenarios. I'd suggest you always take the safe, sure approach and test out suggestions written in this blog with care before deploying anything in your production databases. I am not liable to any catastrophic event that may occur to it, so don't come running to me for answers to your problems if it happens.

On a sunnier note, If you have a question, I will try my best to answer any questions related to Oracle databases that you might have to the best of my knowledge. If I can't answer them (which will most probably be most of the time since I am just a neophyte), I'll probably politely point you to the a more experienced person, and then crawl into my hole for several days to depress on the fact that I am not omnicient. Please do not bother me with the same question again until then, otherwise I will be tempted to jump out of a 60 storey building and haunt you for the rest of my life.

If you find anything wrong or have an opinion to any of the entries, please feel free to leave a comment, and I will gladly welcome them. No man is an island, and humanity does not improve very much when nobody complains. Complainers are great when they make sense, logical, rational and sane, but otherwise, do not bother me or I will be tempted to stalk you and eventually poke your eye with a knitting needle.

And finally, all thoughts and opinions expressed in this blogsite are my own, and in no way reflects the opinions of my employers, past, current or future, Oracle, my mom or my pet tiger.

Thank you very much for reading this. Carry on.